We know we have some fantastic supporters – Check out our new media page.
2 DAYS to go !!!!!
Just 2 days until the team leave for DLP to get ready for the first run on friday night .. watch this awesome video from Feel the Force Day 3 – This will show why we are running to raise money for them.
Feel the Force Day events are all run by donations and volunteers, the costumers give up their time, no one gets paid and all money raised goes straight back in to the next event.
What does £4 get you at Feel the Force Day 5 on Saturday 30th September?
You can get your tickets at www.feeltheforceday.com/peterborough-2017
1. Access to all parts of the event.
2. Meet ALL 25 celebrities and take as many photos as you like.
3. Over 40 stands in the Market Place
4. Meet over 500 costumers
5. Have a go at being a Jedi – subject to availability…better get there quick!
6. Parking at the event – limited to the number of slots. First come, first serve!
7. Watch 9 professional and amateur stage shows
8. Access to exclusive event merchandise
9. A chill out room so you can take a load off
10. 1000 seats, including our new, upstairs, accessible seating areas for optimum views!
11. Film and TV cars…including a real life Bat Mobile!
12. Free entry for any active carers without the hassle of having to prove why!
13. A changing place…if you need it
14. A giant Stay Puft marshmallow man!
15. An entire room dedicated to allowing you to play with toys, models, props and materials
16. An Iron Throne!
You literally cannot get more comic con for less money!
Careres for guests with disabilities get in for free …
PLEASE sponsor us .. even £1, €1 or $1 really helps ..
Sponsor us here http://bit.ly/run4ftfd17
#run4ftfd #teamftfd #rundisney #charity
Please help spread the word

Sharon here asking for you to Please help spread the word:
Another plug for the sponsored run for Feel The Force Day – 6 of us are running 5 & 10k races at the #rundisneyfrance half marathon weekend at Disneyland Paris in September (21st – 26th) – we are doing this at our own expense to raise money for #FTFD. Last year 2 of us raised just over £1,000 which enabled the team to put on the biggest event for disabled guests so far.
This year, sponsorship hasn’t been so good and with just under 6 weeks to go until the run we are desperately trying raise awareness of the cause, the run and what Feel the Force Day is about. The Run 4 Feel the Force Day team has been trying to publicise it as much as we can to get some sponsors and every penny counts.
If you can share either
The just giving page: http://bit.ly/run4ftfd17
Or the #run4ftfd Facebook page: Run 4 Feel the Force Day
Or the #run4ftfd Website: http://run4ftfd.co.uk
That explains what Feel the Force Day is and why its such a great cause and why the 6 of us – including the amazing Jonathon who has cerebal palsy, Mandy who is Jonathan’s carer and bakes for FTFD, Sharon (me) who raises funds for Feel the Force Day along with fellow East Kent Costume Club friends Samantha, Ben and Sam’s son James are all running for this great cause (at our own expense) ..
Every single penny raised goes straight to Feel The Force Day allowing them to put on fantastic events.
1 in 4 people feel awkward talking to people with a disability. One of the reasons FEEL THE FORCE DAY exists is to make it possible for guests with disabilities to enjoy a sci-fi convention / comic con in the same manner as (and I hate to use this word) a normal guest. Not all disabilities are visible and some are very visible – so the amazing team at FEEL THE FORCE DAY put on an event that EVERYONE can feel comfortable at. FTFD events are accessible for wheelchairs and scooters of all shapes and sizes, aisles are wide to allow guests with walking aids to pass, tables are at a height that chairs and shorter guests can access. There are sensory rooms and touch tables for guests with visual or hearing problems, quiet rooms for guests who are anxious, autistic and have other issues with noise and crowds. Guests are encouraged to touch props and costumes – it is a festival of sound and vision, touch and taste – something for all the senses – even if that means very quiet and one on one experience. These events are UNIQUE and only possible through donations from rundraisers like this run and volunteers.
So if you can share, encourage someone to sponsor the team (even if its only £1 every single penny helps), and to raise awareness of this amazing cause – I and the rest of the #teamftfd runners would be SO greatful.
If you happen to be attending the Run Disney France event come and say hi there are lots of us running and a bunch of guys from Run DV would love to be cheared along.
Thank you for reading this very long post and thank you for your support
Txt donations are now available
Great news .. it is now possible to txt in any donations too.
Simply txt FTFD48 and the £amount to 77070
ie FTFD48 £5 to 77070